Thursday, May 2, 2013

Appropriateness of God the Mother's existence - World Mission Society Church of God

The Bible is our good textbood which let us know the principle of nature created by God.
When you examine nature carefully, you can understand the will of God that was hidden in it.
Let's think about the LIFE!  Every creature has a mother even any tiny being and each of them receive the life from it's mother.  This is very natural thing.

Then, What did God want to let us know through this principle of nature?
That means every creature need a Mother to get its life, not only Father.
It is same that our spiritual life(eternal life) also will be given by our spiritual Mother.  However,  most Christian believe in God the Father only.   How can they receive the eternal life?.

There are many kinds of animal on this earth,  thay have various lifetime according to the species of them.
Mayfly only lives one day.
Some turtle lives 150 years.
Then, How long the children of God will live?
They will live forever more!
So, there must be God the Mother who have a eternal life, to give us eternal life.

Many Churches are believe in God the Father without God the Mother.
How can they be saved and enter the kingdom of Heaven?
Didn't you find God the Mother in Bible yet?


  1. God created all things with God's will. Nothing is created without His will. Life is given us through mothers. In the same way, our spiritual life or eternal life is given us through our Spiritual Mother. It's God's will who created mothers on this earth.

  2. I clicked and I saw the word "Mother"
    If the Bible says Mother existed we must believe in Mother
    Because the Bible says Father existed so I believe in Father
