Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Church Members Spruce Up Grounds, Interior of Senior Center - World Misstion of Church of God

Church Members Spruce Up Grounds, Interior of Senior Center
Church Members Spruce Up Grounds, Interior of Senior Center
Though it was a rainy day, World Mission Society Church of God (WMSCOG) members came to DeKalb County’s Bruce Strret/East DeKalb Senior Center in Lithonia Aril 28 to give the venter’s grounds as spring spruce up. WMSCOG brought more than 100 volunteers from its Norcross location to help improve the look and feel of the senior center, which has been a part of the community for almost half a century.
The center is operated by the DeKalb County Office of Senior Affairs and managed by Senior Connections. Seniors are offered classes, activities, a hot lunch and wellness programs Monday through Friday.
Improvements around the front of the building included sanding and painting the center’s sign, landscaping with flowers and bushes,painting benches, and general clean up. Work was also done in the center’s interior.
Mayor Deborah Jackson came out to greet the volunteers and thank them on behalf of the people of Lithonia.
Debora Furtado, chief executive officer of Senior Connections said the WMSCOG volunteers created “a wonderful outdoor space for the Lithonia seniors to enjoy all year. We are grateful for their caring efforts.”

Nowdays, Many Christian do not obey God's teaching.  However, the member of WMSCOG show a good example to follow God's teachings.  Mother's love is in their hearts.

Monday, December 9, 2013

[USA NEWS] Energetic Church of God Volunteers Spruce Up Senior Center_ADW_Christ Ahnsahnghong - WMSCOG

More than 100 volunteers from the World Mission Society Church of God (WMSCOG) gathered on a rainy day last weekend to help The Lithonia Senior Center with a spring spruce up.

Welcomed with heartfelt thanks from Lithonia Mayor Deborah Jackson, the WMSCOG members helped improve the look and feel of the senior center, located at 2484 Bruce Street. The group has the support of The Home Depot, Lowes, Wal-mart, and other local businesses that donated mulch, equipment and yard goods.

Over the course of a long day, the volunteers completed the following tasks:

• Removing all debris
• Trimming and laying mulch for all the bushes and trees to create a walking area
• Digging and laying 90 feet of stone tile (180 blocks) for seniors to walk on
• Fixing the pond area and adding gold fish
• Cleaning and painting all five benches that are located in the garden and cementing two more
• Adding bird feeders for bird watching
• Adding shading in some key areas
• Fixing five large pots and planting vegetables, plants and flowers in the 9′ by 11′ pots
• Replacing the existing sign that says "Community Center" with a newer sign that says "Senior Center."

Engergetic Church of God Volounteers make people happy and they have power of love to melt snow.  Experience the energy from the Heavenly Mother.

Monday, December 2, 2013

Smile^^~ Christ Ahnsahnghong and Heavnely Mother - World Mission Society Church of God receive award


Date published: 12 September 2013
The World Mission Society Church of God have received an award for voluntary service from Mayor Councillor Peter Rush.
80 members of the society attended the award ceremony on 6 September at Rochdale Town Hall.
World Mission Society Church of God has been doing various volunteer work throughout Rochdale,including clean up campaigns and providing entertainment to residents in local care homes. The group also continues to support the local blood drive.
Through their volunteer work, the group wants to inform people of the seriousness of environmental issues.

Smiling face make people to smile. WMSCOG's member have this magical smile that was inherited from Heavenly Mother.  Whenever I heard news on TV, there are few happy news and many fearful accidents.  However here members of WMSCOS seem that they live in other world, not this world.
What is the reason?
If you want to get answer?. Please experience the World Mission Society Church of God.

Thursday, November 28, 2013

Mother! Mother! My Heavenly Mother! - World Mission Society Church of God

Mother! Mother! .... whenever I call mother, suddenly tears well up in my eyes. 
Mother! How did you walk the painful path for us.
How could you leave your throne behind?
Your endless love would be kept to the end of your life.
Unrequited Love
By haru
The saddest love
While being eyeable, the desire remains
Being awake or asleep, longing never stops
Love that is stifled with yearning

Love that is unalterable
Love that is inextricable
Love that is unstoppable though disregarded
Love that is steadfast over time
Love that is never hideous without being comprehended

Love that laughs and cries for a sinner
Love that trusts, though the promise is broken
Love that moves to tears for an apology
Love that is engraved in the heart, even for a halfhearted gratitude
Love that waits, though the love for the world is greater
Mother’s unrequited love is solely for the sinner

Mother’s love becomes the spring sunlight, and warmly covers my heart
Mother’s love becomes the rain drops on a cool summer day, and moistens my thirsty soul
Mother’s love becomes the sweet fruit on an autumn day, and fills my hungry soul
Mother’s love becomes the warm blanket on a winter day, and melts my icy soul

At last, because of Mother’s everlasting love
This sinner returns to Mother’s arms
I repent
I thank
And I love

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Call Mother to get answer - World Mission Society Church of God

Hurricane Sandy World Mission Society Church of God from WMS COG on Vimeo.

For 15 days, volunteers from the World Mission Society Church of God helped more than 20 families clean up their homes devastated by Super storm Sandy in New York: Staten Island, Breezy Point, and Rockaway. Also in New Jersey: Toms River, Union Beach, Ridgewood, and the nearest town of Ridgewood.
Rebuilding the hope with Mother's love the volunteers erected tents and comforted residents with warm beverages, food, toiletries, clothes and other supplies. East Coast Branch churches, Dominican Republic, and Puerto Rico members of the Church of God also supported Sandy relief.
Mother's love cannot be described in words.
Such deep affection can only be felt through acts of love.
Following the example of our Heavenly Mother, beautiful actions flow naturally from our hearts.
We no longer think of ourselves first, but others.
Through simple acts of kindness, and large scale volunteer efforts, our place in the world, and our impact on it, are changing radically.

As Mother give her mind to her child always, So Our Heavenly Mother give her mind to her spiritual children.
If she find the emergency situation that her child is dangerous, no mother sit still.
The belief  of WMSCOG comes from Mother's love which mother lay down her life for her children.

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Cleaning Sandy Debris in Jamaica Bay - World Mission Society Church of God

Members of World Mission Society Church of God have a special abililty to change people's mind.
By my faith, their ability come from the Love of Heavenly Mother.!!
Hoping you join in this good chance to change you life.

22 Sep 2013, Posted by in Cleanups, Community Services, Hurricane Sandy Relief



Removing ten tons of debris is no easy task. But that’s how 200 members from the World Mission Society Church of God in New York spent their Sunday on September 22nd. Volunteers worked with the American Littoral Society to remove the debris that was left on the coastline since Hurricane Sandy’s damage to Broad Channel and the Rockaways last October.
To efficiently pick up planks, trash, boat wreckage, and bottles, among other environmental hazards, volunteers formed an assembly line of about a quarter-mile. In less than 4 hours, they were done with pulling out the waste from the marshland.
“The area was completely flooded by Sandy. [It was] really destroyed,” said Cathy of the American Littoral Society. “It’s great that you guys were able to help us in this area because a lot of debris that you picked up was from Sandy. And here we are, almost a year later and it’s still sitting there.”
“Because we believe in God the Father and God the Mother, we put Their teachings into practice by volunteering in our community through service activities like today’s,” said one of the Church of God volunteers. “Christ came as the Good Samaritan. That’s why we want to help out in any way we can to make the world a better place.”
The Church of God has been working with the American Littoral Society over the past five years to help restore Jamaica Bay. This past spring, the volunteers helped plant salt marshes to prevent future floods, like the ones caused by Superstorm Sandy.
The Church of God has especially been helping Broad Channel and the Rockaways rebuild after the storm. Fifteen days immediately after Sandy, hundreds of Church of God volunteers cleaned out flooded homes for families and, more importantly, helped restore their peace of mind and give them hope for the future.

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Why should be The World Mission Society Church of God?

[India News] Come and clean the old city_Ahn Sahng-hong_wmscog from WMSCOG-News on Vimeo.

[India News] Come and clean the old city_Ahn Sahng-hong_wmscog [India News] Come and clean the old city_Ahn Sahng-hong_wmscog from WMSCOG-News 1 week ago not yet rated After investigating the Purna market area, members from the World Mission Society Church of God warned the seriousness of pollution in drain and Harlem. They said that it has not been cleaned for a long time even though the old city was full of pollutant and rubbish. They also added that they took the cleanup campaign so as to inform the feast of life- the Passover. Accordingly, the cleanup campaign has been taken in Purna market area with the purpose of cleaning up the old city in Visakhapatnam 50 members from Brahmapur, Srikakulam, and around 150 members from Visakhapatnam participated in the event. They cleaned the streets from Town Kotharoad to Police Barracksroad area, drain, and some contaminated area with plastic and other rubbish. They said the volunteer work is progressing not only in Visakhapatnam but in Church of God all around the world simultaneously.

The World Mission Society Church of God is the place where God dewlls. Bible says that place is Zion. 
People of Zion always happy and joyful because God himself leads them.
The Member of WMSCOG is also pleasant by helping other people and doing good deeds.
They follow the teaching of Heavenly Mother and Christ Ahnsahnghong who is Savior in this age.

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

A ray in hopelessness - World Mission Society Church of God

Christ Ahnsahnghong and Heavenly Mother also have come to this earth to give us the light of salvation. However, many people consider them as a mere man, just like the Jews in 2,000 years ago.
Whatever people say, The truth will be revealed even though many hinderances.
And now, the light of God is appearing within God's reach through the member of WMSCOG.
Source :

On August 28, 2011, Hurricane Irene devastated the neighborhood of Pompton Lakes, NJ, resulting in unprecedented damages—with some houses receiving over 8-feet of water from the swollen Pompton River. The night before the storm, families were unaware of the dangers around them and remained in their neighborhoods with hopes of waiting out the storm. Early morning, however, when Irene unleashed her fury on the state of New Jersey, the residents had no choice but evacuate their homes, taking only loved ones and barely escaping with necessities.

Upon returning to the community, families were  overwhelmed by the amount of damage the storm did to their property: floors had to be ripped up, walls needed to to be knocked down, homes had to be abandoned and mementos of precious childhoods and family vacations had to be discarded amongst it all. Homeowners worried where they would get the manpower to clean up and restore what was their once pristine homes. Although residents suffered physical and emotional pains in the aftermath of the hurricane, no help was in sight to alleviate the mounting struggles of this catastrophe.
Finally, to the residents’ consolation, over 300 volunteers of the World Mission Society Church of God arrived over the 2011 Labor Day Weekend to provide disaster relief. Members went house by house encouraging distraught residents with smiles and coaxing them to take a rest while they took care of the intense labor necessary to gut entire houses. Residents said they were not able to genuinely laugh since the tragedy, but with the help of the Church of God members, they could now feel a sense of hope for the future.
Pompton Lakes’ Mayor, Kathleen Cole, even shed tears of gratitude and appreciation as she thanked the volunteers for their time and hard work. Pompton Lakes resident, Frank Alosevic, wrote to the Church of God, “With you, I felt like a human being again… I saw over 100 young and strong come together to help people like us and never ask for anything: young faces, different faces, beautiful faces, all with smiles. I saw what I never imagine existed anymore, people of all walks of life working together in a brotherly and sisterly fashion… let your loved ones know you are changing other people’s lives for the better.”
Volunteers from the Church of God worked arduously for three days to help families with work that, as many described, would have taken them weeks and even months to finish on their own. When the time to depart arrived, residents thanked the volunteer group from the bottom of their hearts—genuinely appreciating the assistance they never thought they would have received.

Monday, October 21, 2013

Small Church, Big Results - World Mission Society Church of God

street clean-up campaign in Germany - World Mission Society Church of God from WMSCOG-News on Vimeo.

Small Church, Big Results
A small church participates in various activities
[Photo] Laura Rein, a Church of God member,donates blood with the help of Eric Lehmann / Photo by Wecher
Wilmersdorf. If the members of the World Mission Society Church of God call to action in Wexstrasse 27, it leads to a worldwide activity.
So will it be on March 11, when an environmental clean-up action will take place in as many as 1,900 cities in more than 150 countries around the world. While the clean-up campaign was carried out around the Federal Court in Berlin last year, the area near the Rotes Rathaus (Red City Hall) will be cleaned up this year. If you want to participate in this campaign, you can come to the Station Hackescher Markt by1:00 PM.
Also, the World Mission Society Church of God has been engaged in blood donations from all over the world. The Church of God in Wilmersdorf conducted its first blood drive in Germany.
On January 30, about 60 citizens responded to the campaign and donated blood at the Haema Blood Donation Center. This Church plans to repeat this activity in April by following the appeal of DanielBahr, the Minister of Health of the Federal Republic of Germany and member of the Free Democratic Party (FDP), who has called for blood donations.
Deacon Julian George explained the blood donation metaphysically saying: “Jesus Christ gave eternal life through the blood on the cross 2,000 years ago. We can give life to other people by donating blood.”
The blood drive, which was conducted in front of the blood donation center in the evening of this day, attracted the attention of many passers-by and some of them like Wilhelm Gebelein joined the campaign voluntarily.
Pastor Byeongho Lee personally gave thanks to the participants, standing next to the blood donation vehicle. There were many Church members who donated blood for the first time like Laura Rein. Smiling,she allowed Erick Lehmann, Haema employee, to insert the needle.
Conrad Strathausen, theological student,was somewhat excited at his first blood donation and said, “God did not hesitate to shed His blood for us, so there is no hesitation for me.” The vouchers and the allowances of blood donation are to be donated by the Church of God for charitable purposes.
The World Mission Society Church of God was founded by Ahnsahnghong-nim in Korea in 1964. It has around 2,000 Churches in 150 countries around the world and the total number of the registered Church members amounts to 1.6 million. This Church attracted the attention of the world when it held Charity Concert for Haiti Earthquake Victims. After the Concert, the outcome of US$100,000 was handed over to the United Nations. Since then, the Church of God has worked directly with the United Nations Headquarters.In 2011, it was honored by the U.S. President Barack Obama for its volunteering work.

How could All members of WMSCOG share their blood without any unpleasantness?
Their appearance is very similar with Jesus who had come and shed his blood without any reward.
If somebody want to be a child of God,  His everything has to be resembled by God.
It shows us that the member of WMSCOG are the Children of God to be saved.


Thursday, October 17, 2013

World Mission Society Church of God conducts blood donation campaign

Whoever can help other people when they are in good condition, but If they are in bad condition, a few people do that.
Members in WMSCOG have a beautiful mind to help other people by following God's will. They seems like to resemble their spiritual parents ; Christ Ahnsahnghong and Heavenly Mother.


World Mission Society Church of God conducts blood donation campaign

200 bags of blood for Philippine Red Cross, St. Luke’s, January 30th, 2012

SAVING LIVES Members of the World Mission Society Church of God in Metro Manila held a blood donation campaign at the Quezon City Hall Sunday to give hope to those who are at risk of losing their life due to lack of blood and to educate the society on how important blood donation is. Bags of blood will be donated to the Philippine Red Cross-Quezon City and St. Luke's Hospital. PHOTO BY JAMIE MARIE ELONA,

MANILA, Philippines—After a series of natural disasters that struck the Philippines, members of an international religious organization show how far it would take to share one’s life —literally by donating blood.
The World Mission Society Church of God, a congregation that was first founded in Korea in 1948 by Ahn Sahng-Hong, their God the Father, conducted for the first time in the Philippines a blood donation campaign at the Quezon City hall Sunday in partnership with the Philippine Red Cross and St. Luke’s Hospital “to share the love of God the Father and help save lives.”
In the gathering attended by more than 600 possible church member donors from their branch churches in Metro Manila, Choi Jeong Maan, lead pastor of the World Mission Church of God-Philippines said that their blood campaign tagged “I Have Already Come,” is “to make Filipinos aware of the importance of blood donation in accordance with the teachings of God and to show the society that God already had come to save mankind with his blood of the Passover.”
“Blood means life. And because we want to follow the teachings of God and to save souls and lives, we helped by donating our blood,” he told, adding that he has heard that the Philippines is lacking in blood after the several calamities that hit the country.
But while 600 members have gathered as early as 10 a.m. to line up to be examined by nurses, Maan said that the group has targeted to donate at least 200 bags of blood to Philippine Red Cross-Quezon City and St. Luke’s Medical Center.
“I hope through this event, the love of God the Father and God the Mother saving precious souls through the blood of the Passover be delivered to the people who are dying from captivity of sins,” Maan said.
He said that while their church has been at the forefront in responding to this need in different parts of the world where some of their 2,200 branch churches are at, after all donating blood the health, not just that of the beneficiary, but of the benefactor as well.
Dra. Gloria Lorenzo, head of the blood bank of the Philippine Red Cross-Quezon City, explained that donating blood trigger a person’s bone marrow to produce new red cells, adding that the process is comparable to that of a car’s change-oil mechanism.
“Gumaganda ang system ng katawan mo (Your bodily systems will improve),” she said.
But supply wise, Lorenzo admitted that the blood supply for PRC-QC is still insufficient, as January falls under the lean months—periods were only a few donates blood individually or in groups.

Dubbed “I Have Already Come,” the blood donation campaign by members of the World Mission Society Church of God aims to gather 200 bags of blood. PHOTO BY JAMIE MARIE ELONA, INQUIRER.NET

With this, Lorenzo extends her gratefulness to the World Mission Society Church of God for donating many bags of blood in a period where they expect to have less.
“Mahirap talaga maghanap ng magdo-donate ngayon pero nag initiate sila (It’s hard to find blood donors nowadays but they initiate),” she said.
The World Mission Society Church of God “is well known in 150 countries throughout the world as a congregation that believes in God the Father and God the Mother, and faithfully keep the laws of the new covenant including the Sabbath, the Passover, the seven feasts in three times, and the regulation of veil as well.”
Apart from blood drives, their church has been organizing clean-up campaigns throughout the world, where a similar event was organized in March and December last year in Quezon City.
A fact sheet about the group said that they have recently been awarded the Presidential Volunteer Service Award by United States President Barack Obama.

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Sharing love of Heavenly Mother - Blood Drive Winter 2010 World Mission Society Church of God (WMSCOG)

Saints of the World Mission Society Church of God (Whose General Pastor is Joo-Cheol Kim) will participate in the blood donation to save lives in danger due to the shortage of blood. This blood drive movement is being held by Church of God located in Pascoe Vale, Melbourne to commemorate the 94th birthday of second coming Christ Ahnsahnghong worldwide.
 The church of God whose head office is in South Korea, having 2200 churches in 150 countries including 1,630,000 registered members, actively conduct various voluntary works for the welfare of society sharing love of God Elohim to the whole world.
 As God shed his blood on the cross and established the Passover new covenant through which we are given the promise of eternal life. We the members of the church of God eagerly wanted to share the love of God by organizing this Blood Drive. We hope and believe that this will create positive motivation towards blood donation and saving life of people who are dying due to the shortage of blood.
 Mignonne Malan, saint of the Church of God, said “I feel nervous because it’s my first time to donate blood. But I also feel great that I can save someone’s precious life.” has firmly decided to participate in the blood donation saying, “I am very happy to be able to share the love of God the Father Ahnsahnghong and God the Mother New Jerusalem.”

Change your life! Change the world! - World Mission Society Church of God

Colorado World Mission Society Church of God members, cleaning up from WMSCOG-News on Vimeo.
News Reporter
Speaking of downtown Denver, a shout out goes out to amazing volunteers who spent their weekend beautifying the city, as more than a hundred people spruced up Skyline Park just by doing some simple mulching, picking up some trash. Kudos to them, and keep up the good work, for making downtown Denver beautiful. Haema, back to you!

News Anchor
And we appreciate them for that. Ken, thanks!

I think the power of changing the world is not great thing!!.
If the whole people in this world do like the members of WMSCOG, It will be better than before.
Through their Good deeds, the world will be aroused and become more beautiful place.
After attending in World Mission Society Church of God,  Everyone says their life was changed by the love of  Heavenly Mother. Thus,Their changing let change the whole world!!.

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Dear God the Mother and God the Father - World Mission Society Church of God

How can we explain the relation between parents and child...
That might have been run in our blood from the creation of the world and  the providence of the creation by God.
Thus, we can realize God the Mother has to be existed, not only God the Father so that child can be given birth by Parent.
God related with God's Children by his  blood, so God's children cannot help loving their parents; God the Father and God the Mother.
A Letter from the Son, and Mother’s Reply
There was an immature son who wrote a letter to his mother.
On the header it reads, “I love you Mom.”
Mom, I know that you are having hard times with me.
I always go out and play and never help you. I’m sorry, Mom.
But I know you’ll forgive me, right?
Mom. I love you so much. 
Do you also love me? 
Mom, even if you don’t love me, I’m really thankful that you’re my Mom.
Mom, I love you!
Of course the son wrote an unaffected and pure letter.
Then, the mother replied to his letter:

My son, do you know?
I love you not because you are the only one in this world.
It’s because I love you, and that’s why you are the only one in this world.
My son, do you know?
Even if I lost everything in this world, I don’t want to lose you for this world.
My son, do you know?
The only reason why I exist in this world?
That’s because of you.
I love you always.
From General Pastor’s sermon: ‘God is Love’
Always loving these immature children, and only considering us,
I give thanks, praises and eternal glory to our Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother.
I no longer want to be an immature child, and want to confess,

“Father and Mother, I love you!”

Heavenly Mother who cover my sin up - World Mission Society Church of God

My Loving Son

I saw a story on TV not long ago.

It was about a 50-year-old disabled man with intelligence of a three-year-old.

His aged mother who was almost 80, worked as a cleaning woman in an apartment, and supported her son all alone.

Her son couldn’t even eat or wash himself and didn’t want to be apart from his mother even for a moment.

Well, except for when he puts puzzles together.

It was the only thing that the son could do by himself.

Before the mother started to clean the apartment, she would give her son some puzzles, and while he puts the puzzles together, she quickly finishes cleaning up.

Seeing her son playing with puzzles, she was not only glad, but was also upset.

“Glad that at least he can put puzzles together, but sorry and upset that he has to stay still for two hours.”

At the end of the program, the mother left a video letter.

My son, my loving son. I was so happy the day you were born.”

Though the man couldn’t do anything because he was born disabled, he was a “loving son” to the aged mother.

Even if a child is hurt, scarred, or disabled, the child is truly a loving child to his mother.

That maternal love surely comes from our Heavenly Mother.

For healing all of our lacks and flaws, scars, and difficulties, and protecting us from all kinds of hardships in this world,

I truly give thanks for Heavenly Mother’s love.
Only Mother loves even her child is not accepted by other people, for his an atrocious crime.
Then, Mother says My son, my loving son......
Our Heavenly Mother also says, My child, my loving son and daughter..., who ignore themselves that they had been felonious criminals.
She don't criticize us and embrace us silently.
Mother's love cover our numerous sin.
What about the receiveing Mother's Love in WMSCOG....;) 

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Changing Life in True Church - World Mission Society Church of God

Attending WMSCOG for 7 years
I've been attending the World Mission Society Church of God since 2006. Before attending, I never really had the true purpose for my life. But as a member of Church of God, I realized how to give love through many community services. I realized the value of life. And by living a life helping others, I also received compliments from my work place. I work in a bank, and though sometimes the work may be difficult, I don't complain, am always thankful and smile. That's why my boss says that I'm a positive person.
Through Heavenly Mother, I threw away all bad habits and became a true Christian.
As a husband, as a son, and even as a neighbor, I totally changed into a Christian who truly practices love.

Can you imagine your feeling when you meet true God ?
I can see that through this member of WMSCOG.
God is pleased to find the lost children and the lost child is also happy when he find his parents again.
His life may be changed after reunion with God the Father and God the Mother.
Mother's love is expressed on his smile.

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Purifiy Global village by Mother's Love - World Mission Society Church of God

Whenever we do good deed, we can feel to be purified and have a good conscience.
Even though we are sinners like a murderer according to Holy Bible, We can be good by practicing Heavenly Mother's love.
All member of WMSCOG practice God's commendment and Mother's Teachings.
Heavenly Mother has the power to change prodigal son into  the good worker who spread Mother's love.
[Germany] Clean-up Campaign at Monopteros

Schwabing, Munich.

Beer and bottles, bottle caps, cigarette butts, paper waste and broken glass: The clean-up activity of the members of the “World Mission Society Church of God” was worth it. The environmental clean-up campaign was carried out simultaneously in more than 150 countries. The event was held in preparation of the Passover feast, which is celebrated by the Church on April 24 around the world.

[Peru] The World Mission Society Church of God performed a clean-up campaign

The members of the World Mission Society Church of God conducted a clean-up campaign in the area of Micaela Bastidas. This activity took place simultaneously in different parts of Peru and the world. It was carried out not only to help resolve environmental problems, but also to prepare the birth of the Second Coming Christ coming from the east. This action began at 10:30 yesterday morning with more than 40 members, and ended at around 1 pm.
Jhonny Chavez Ordinola explained, “These outreach activities which benefit the community will continue to be held along with clean-up campaigns as well as other activities throughout the year and during 2014.


Monday, September 23, 2013

Ready to receive God who appear as a man - Christ Ahnsahnghong

"Abraham did not do such things."

This is what Jesus said to the Jews who alleged that they were the children of Abraham. Why did Jesus deny the blood of the Jews who were the actual offspring of Abraham? What's the difference between Abraham and them?

“… I [Jesus] am telling you what I have seen in the Father's presence, and you do what you have heard from your father." "Abraham is our father," they answered. "If you were Abraham's children," said Jesus, "then you would do the things Abraham did. As it is, you are determined to kill me, a man who has told you the truth that I heard from God. Abraham did not do such things. (John 8:38-40)

In the past, Abraham had met God who had appeared just as the Jews met God in the flesh. At that time, how did Abraham receive God?

The LORD appeared to Abraham near the great trees of Mamre while he was sitting at the entrance to his tent in the heat of the day. Abraham looked up and saw three men [God and two angels] standing nearby. When he saw them, he hurried from the entrance of his tent to meet them and bowed low to the ground. He said, "If I have found favor in your eyes, my lord, do not pass your servant by. Let a little water be brought, and then you may all wash your feet and rest under this tree. Let me get you something to eat, so you can be refreshed and then go on your way--now that you have come to your servant." "Very well," they answered, "do as you say." (Genesis 18:1-5)

Abraham treated God who appeared as a man with best butter and milk, and a calf dish. So, God allowed Abraham to have a son "Isaac" and blessed him, giving such titles as "the father of faith" and "the father of many nations." Receiving God in the flesh; it's what Abraham did.

The Bible prophesies that God is to appear in the flesh "a second time" to bring salvation to those who are waiting in the last days. Moreover, in these days, not only God the Father but also God the Mother, His bride, is to come together.

The Spirit and the bride say, "Come!" And let him who hears say, "Come!" Whoever is thirsty, let him come; and whoever wishes, let him take the free gift of the water of life. (Revelation 22:17)

Jesus said, "If you were Abraham's children, then you would do the things Abraham did." In this age, those who accept the Holy Spirit God the Father and the bride God the Mother who have come in the flesh to give us the water of life are Abraham's children.
What is your purpose to believe in God?
Do you need anyone who has a good background and a full capacity? ... just like a God.
God is our spiritual parents, not the compenent president who can answer about what you wish.
Then, If you acknowledge your physicial parents, do you see the appearance of them?
So, will you accept them as your parents if their appearance is good?
Where is that foolish son/daughter in this world ??!!. 
God have come in this earth as a man for our salvation.  Do not judge God according to your fixed idea like the Jews in 2,000 years ago.
Ready to receive your spiritual parents(God the Father and God the Mother) who were testified by the Bible.  So, Be the Abraham's Children!.

Monday, September 16, 2013

The fragrance of Christ Ahnsahnghong and Heavenly Mother - WMSCOG

The World Mission Society Church of God cleaned up Subhash Park (India)
On Sunday, the World Mission Society Church of God performed a clean-up campaign at Subhash Park.
"We carried out this campaign to have awareness of making and keeping our neighborhood clean, including our houses on Sunday," said Niru Berry, a member of the Society. As part of such an effort, the members performed clean-up and picked up trash at Subhash Park.
Many members of the Church of God participated in this round of campaign, including Reka Lantom, Jessica Joseph and Nixon John. They said that the World Mission Society Church of God had been conducting various community services.

[Picture] The members of the Society who joined the clean-up campaign at Subhash Park

A Beach Clean-up (Panama)
World Mission Society Church of God

Yesterday, the World Mission Society Church of God carried out a campaign to clean up the beach of Viejo, Panama in commemoration of the Day of the New Jerusalem. The clean-up campaign was held simultaneously in 150 countries where 2,200 churches are located.

See the WMSCOG which emit the fragrance of Christ !!
 The world being touched by WMSCOG spread Mother's Love in where their hands are needed.
Hoping the lost children of God come back into Mother's arms.

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Joy of Faith - Christ Ahnsahnghong and Heavenly Mother

Many people say " I am ex-member of that church and other church"....
That means they gave up their Faith about God.  It would be very sorry when I think God came in this earth 2 times for all mankind's salvation. However, People just want to stop their faith and cut the love of God.
How sad and grief our spiritual parents's heart is !!

What should be the joy of Faith? Making fellowships?,  just Religious activities?,  Making a wish?...
Our goal of life of faith is to receive eternal life (1Jn 2:25) which is essencial life to enter the kingdom of heaven.
So, To receive eternal life,  We have to know Savior who give us it in the Bible.
If you find out the Spirit and the Bride (Rev. 22:17) who are Saviors in this age, you can take joy in World Mission Society Church of God. 
Hereby, members of WMSCOG want to share Joy of Faith of them, not ex-member!.

Monday, September 9, 2013

Truth will win..... - World Mission Society Church of God

When I heard about rumor that WMSCOG is not good church and broke household, I am very sorrow. Why people who are against World Mission Society Church of God make members of WMSCOG hard time?
Who can determine that the WMSCOG is not good church without attending in there?
Good deeds of WMSCOG show to them that true church which follows God's will...