Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Be baptized immediately-WMSCOG

Baptism is the first step to go to God.  , we can be reborn as a child of God through baptism.
Without rebirth, we can not see the kingdom of heaven.
God is willing to save us eagerly by throwing up his life as a bits of straw.
Thus, Christ Ahnsahnghong and Heavenly Mother let us know that baptizm should be done immediately and it might be their's sacrfice and love for our salvation.
I'd like to give thanks and glory to Christ Ahnsahnghong and Heavenly Mother forever more.

I watched a video titled, ‘be baptized immediately’.
I was holding off watching it since I thought I know much about baptism and the fact that it should be done immediately as a common sense.

However, as it was about to finish, I was shedding tears so hard.  Only then did I come to realize its great and significant meaning though the baptism to be given immediately is a common sense as I thought.

Baptism means we immerse all our sins in the past by water just as Jesus was crucified on the cross and went into the grave.  Also, it represents ours sinful body is destroyed and born a new life again just like Jesus’ resurrection.

For these sinners who were destined to eternally die, committing sin of death against God, the way to participate in God’s salvation work was opened up, which is the baptism ceremony.

Baptism ceremony seems to be done very simply but it was not made that simply at all.

God Almighty, who is the Creator was mocked by His creatures, taking all the pains of ripping His flesh away with stick when walking on the road to Golgotha.  He even endured all the hardships and persecution, putting on the crown of thorns, drinking the wine of gall, and even having His side stabbed.  By doing all His sacrifice, the way of the forgiveness of sin has been safely opened up for us.

Through all the sufferings and hardships, God let us have the forgiveness of sins in an easy way, which is the baptism.

So far, I have been encouraging many friends to get baptism by preaching the words of God.  Now I think of how I preached to them and what kinds of thankful minds I had, I feel like it was just a gong sounding without knowing the sacrifice and the love filled in the baptism.

When it comes to ‘baptism’, we’d better thank God, keeping in mind that hidden behind it exists the invisible great of love God, not just considering it is simply to wet entire body.
Realizing we are heavenly sinners, our belief should be full-grown that could understand the earnest mind of Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother who are sacrificing for our salvation until now.

With all my heart and mind, I truly give thanks to Christ Ahnsahnghong who opened up the way for the forgiveness of our sins, and who allowed me to be baptized and become the children of God.

Friday, October 26, 2012

World Mission Society Church of God which was established by God

There are many churches in the world. which is the church that was established by God?
The answer is Bible.
Only Bible will be a standard to find true church in this age, neither any pastor or any common knowledge.
Let's return to the those circumstance 2,000 years ago.
Jesus was Christ who had come down for the salvation of the mankind. And what did he do during his ministry of gospel?
(Lk 4:16) Jesus kept the Sabbath day
(Mt 26:17~26) Jesus and His disciples celebrated the Passover
(Ac 2: 1) The disciples kept Pentecost.
(Jn 7:2, 37) Jesus kept the Feast of Tabernacles.
(1Co 11:1) Women put on a veil during worship.

Likewise, Jesus allowed us these God's commandments for our salvation. and also he had established The Church of God that keep all his teachings.
Moreover. how did disciples who were thaught by Jesus Christ?
They also preached all abovementioned teachings of Jesus and followed sincerely.
Then, which church was that they had attended in those days?

Let's see what did Apostle Paul call the church that God established?
He called it "the church of God" in Corinth.
(Gal 1:13) for you have heard of my previous way of life in Judaism, how intensely I persecuted the church of God and tried to destroy it.
Paul severely persecuted the church before he received Jesus.
Obviously, He called it the "Church of God"
(1Co 11:22) Don't you have homes to eat and drink in? Or do you despise the church of God and humiliate those who have nothing? What shall I say to you? Shall I praise you for this? Certainly not!!
Here, Apostle Paul blamed those who violated the Passover. At that time, what church did Apostle Paul say they despised?...
He said they despised the Church of God.

Bible says that the true church is The Church of God that keep all teachings of Jesus. Nowadays, World Mission Society Church of God is only one keep God's commandants like in 2,000 years ago.
Now, WORLD MISSION SOCIETY CHURCH OF GOD (WMSCOG)  was established by Christ AhnShangHong lightening and shining toward whole world.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Haring the love of Christ and Spreading the news of the sacred birth of Christ Ahnsahnghong through blood donation

 If you are children of God, behave as a child of God.
Did you hear the true Church that follow the will of God is loving each other?
WMSCOG is only one to do that.  Most of people don't like to make sacrifice, However, here, there are many people who are joyful of self-sacrifice.
I hopt you to consider WMSCOG without prejudice and stubbornness.

an extraction from "Asian Voice Weelkly"
Blood donation is a valuable act of human kindness in saving lives. The members of the World Mission Society Church of God (Chief Pastor: Joocheol Kim) plans to carry out a blood drive to save lives of people in jeopardy due to the shortage of blood supply.
This Church said that around 60 saints ofthe Church of God in Melbourne, located in Pascoe Vale, would visit the SouthbankBlood Donation Centre Melbourne to donate blood on Australia Day on FridayJanuary 26.
The Church of God planed specially this blood donation campaign for “celebrating the sacred birth of ChristAhnsahnghong who came a second time to save mankind.”
The missionary of the Church of God explained the purpose of the event, saying, “We planned this voluntary blood donation event to save lives of people dying due to lack of blood supply and to help alleviate the shortage of blood supply in Australia.” He also added, TheSecond Coming Christ Ahnsahnghong came to this earth to preach the Passover of the New Covenant that gives eternal life to mankind. We also hope that people will hear the good news that God came to the earth through this blood drive.”
According to a statistics survey, one of three Australian during their lifetime needs a blood transfusion. However, onlyone of thirty people donates blood. Only three per cent of the entire population participates in the blood donation every ..... (omission..)
Church God will help change the consciousness of people who have negative perception and significantly contribute to the change of consciousness towards blood donation and the expansion of the donor base. Mostly especially, it isexpected to help eliminate the burning problem of blood shortages and save lives of emergency patients who require much blood.
“I have never participated in blooddonation before and at first, I was nervous. However, now I look forward to it since it will contribute to saving a valuable life of someone.” said MignonneMalan (25) from the Church of God showing excitement regarding the blood donation. And she added, “I’m proud of spreading the love of God the Father Ahnsahnghong and God the Mother New Jerusalem.” She said she would certainly participate in the blood drive on the 26th day of this month.
The World Mission Society Church of God also held a blood drive at NSW Red Cross Blood Donor Center in Sydney on January 6. About30 members of the Church of God participated in that event. One day before, on the 5th day of this month, their activities were on-air via the channel “Radio 2000. 98.5FM.”
The World Mission Society Church of God originated from South Korea in the east from the ends of the earth and spread to the whole world. Based on the Bible, the members of this Church believe in Christ Ahnsahnghong as the Second Coming Jesus, who restored the New Covenant truths that had been destroyed during the Dark Ages including the Sabbath day and the seven feasts of three times such as the Passover. They also believe in God the Mother who is the source of life and love.
On December 25, 2011 (the 1st day of the12th month in the lunar calendar), they held a service for commemorating the 94th anniversary of the sacred birth of Christ Ahnsahnghong and have been carrying out environmental cleanup campaigns and sharing and voluntary services simultaneously around the world before and after that day. The Headquarters islocated in South Korea. The Church of God has 2,200 Churches in 150 countriesand the number of the registered members amounts to around 1.63 million.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Christ AhnSahngHong?, Jesus's New Name?

In order for his people to receive salvation, God divided six thousand years into three ages, and allowed d different Savior's name for each age.
Matt 28:19 Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit and teaching them to obey everthing I have commanded you.  And urely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.

Knowing the Savior's name is very important for our salvation.  If we don't know the name of Savior, how can we pray and receive redemption.
Let's check the name of each age.
Firstly, What's the name of the Father?  "Jehovah"
Secondly,  What's the name of the Son? "Jesus"
Lastly, What's the name of the Holy Spirit?  "Jesus's new name" (Rev 3:12)

And now,  which age are we living in?  " The age of Holy Spirit"
We should know the new name of Jesus, not Jehovah, not Jesus.  Because this age is not the age of the Father, not the age of the Son.

2,000 years ago, there were two groups which had believed in God.  The one is believed in Jehovah who is  Savior in the age of Father, and the other is believed in Jesus who is Savior in the age of Son.
However, who could be saved in those days of Jerusalem destruction??
People who had believed in Jesus who was the Savior in those days,  because That time was the age of the Son.

But now,  age was changed into the age of the Holy Spirit!!
The Savior in this age are The Holy Spirit and The Bride (Christ AhnSahngHong and Heavenly Mother)
(Rev 22:17)
I hope you to realize in which age are you living?.  pls receive the Savior of the last age who is testified by Bible.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Christ ahnsahnghong and the tree of life

The bible is the gift of God  for us who will be saved.  there are many prophecies.
Thus, If you study Bible with faith believing prophecies of it,  you will find Savior in this age.
(Jn5:39) You study[c] the Scriptures diligently because you think that in them you have eternal life. These are the very Scriptures that testify about me, 40 yet you refuse to come to me to have life.
The second coming Christ AhnSahngHong is testified in the Bible.

According to the Bible,   the history of mankind's death come from in the garden of Eden.  Adam and Eve broked promise with God and they ate the forbidden fruit, and they came to die.
Jesus said,  he will open his mouth in parables, He will utter things hidden since the creation of the world.(Mt 13:35)
As mentioned already, the history of Eden is parables to show us why human beings have to die.
Then, is there no way for mortal men to get eternal life?
Has God never given us the way?

Think about the history of Eden again, there were two kinds of tree (the tree of the knowledge of good and evil and the tree of life).
Where there is a problem, there is a solution.

Adam and Eve were tempted by the serpent, and ate from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil and they came to die. (Ge 3:22~24)
However, even sinners could life forever if they ate from the tree of life.  This is the secret if the book of Genesis was hid by God. 
Then, What is the reality of the tree of life?  and Who is he to bring the tree of life again for the salvation of human beings?
I hope you to find the Savior through WMSCOG

Isa 25:6~10   so the song of the ruthless is stilled.On this mountain the Lord Almighty will prepare
    a feast of rich food for all peoples,a banquet of aged wine    the best of meats and the finest of wines.
On this mountain he will destroy   the shroud that enfolds all peoples,the sheet that covers all nations;
    he will swallow up death forever.The Sovereign Lord will wipe away the tears    from all faces;
he will remove his people’s disgrace    from all the earth.The Lord has spoken.

In that day they will say,Surely this is our God;    we trusted in him, and he saved us. This is the Lord, we trusted in him;    let us rejoice and be glad in his salvation.”

We trusted in Christ ahnsahnghong and Heavenly Mother and they saved us!!
Christ ahnsahnghong is our God surely.

Friday, October 12, 2012

Teachings of Heavenly Mother

I think that the first step is the repentance to enter into kingdom of heaven.  It's because we are the sinner
s.   Nobody embrace a felonious murder, except  Heavenly Mother. 
God the Mother always clean our sin and lead us to righteous way (a Kingdom of Heaven).
We are children of Elohim God who follow the teaching of God the Mother, like a light and salt of world .  If all people of the whole world meet God the Mother,  the world will be better place without law.

For me, 「Teachings of Mother」 was just words hung up on a frame, and words that was just pasted at the very first page of my Bible.
And I thought that I was keeping the Teachings of Mother..
Nevertheless, when I faced the Teachings of Mother in reality, only then, looking at myself who was forgetting the Teachings of Mother, shed tears of repentance.
What if I still put on practice, the Teachings of Mother, even though the person didn’t know how to give love, but took it as if it was a natural thing to receive?
When someone praises me, what if I didn’t receive that praise but returned the glory to God?
In that way, I would have had the habit of returning glory to God, every moment, even on smallest things.
What if I have had put on effort to see brothers and sisters beautifully, even if I had grudge against them and saw their faults.
When a brother or sister wanted something that I also wanted, what if I had yield, not wanting them to yield, and not complaining but understanding?
When I was sad because a brother or sister didn’t understand me, for the second time, what if I thought of myself that I am a sinner and didn’t feel disappointed?
When a brother or sister didn’t work together but wanted to find something easy, what if I didn’t think ‘why is he or she thinking that way?” and just firmly worked on my job with a heart of joy?
What if I had always thought of God’s grace; loving this sinner, if I had thanked with positive mind even though I had something unfair.
If I had timely praised even though there weren’t anything to be praised, and loved each other.
Remembering that humans are all sinners, prophets or the followers must have faults, if I didn’t think negatively but embraced them even if I saw some faults.
If I have thought of God’s example being humble and lived wanting to be more humble.
If I had sacrificed for the things that I couldn’t do, or sacrificed for works that were difficult for me.
If I had patiently thought of Heavenly Kingdom instead of wanting even the smallest pain to go away.
If I had served with a broad mind, the brother or sister who wanted to be served, thinking of God who came to this earth to serve.
If only I had lived in the teachings of Mother…
If they want to be loved and recognized, I just need to love. If they want to be served, I just need to serve. If others don’t work, I just need to work without question.
The Teachings of Mother was the solution for the things happening everyday in my life.
The solution for hardships, the guidebook for changing a person to a heavenly being, the preparation to go to heaven... that is the Teachings of Mother.
I also make a resolution for today:
To live every hours and seconds in the Teachings of Mother….
When the reality and the Teachings of Mother go against each other, may the Teachings of Mother inside me win.
So I make a resolution again, to be a child resembling Mother.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Going to Heavenly Mother with My First Heart

I can feel Heavenly Mother's love through this essay.  Think about Mother, she always worry her child likewise, heavenly mother always care her spiritual children.   How can we live even one moment.
Heavenly mother's love melt away harden heart of the people in the whole world.
I hope you feel the love of Heavenly mother.
It happened some years ago.
By a suggestion from an acquaintance, I got a check-up. Till then, in my own way, I had confidence with my health, so I wasn’t worried about the results.
However, I got a flustering notification.
They said that it couldn’t be told on phone, so they told me to come to the hospital, not even with the person who got the same check-up, but alone.
When I went back to the hospital, I heard something that was hard to believe.
‘Cervical Cancer’
I couldn’t believe it, so for a few days, I was looking blank.
Holding the doctor’s opinion in my hand, I went to a larger hospital and set an appointment for the surgery. Until I was fully recovered after the surgery, it was a hard time for me internally and physically.
The doctor said that it was extremely rare that a small hospital could find that small cancer cell and that I must thank that doctor…
And if the cancer cell remained unfound, it might have risked my life.
I know that the one that I had to thank wasn’t the doctor, but Heavenly Mother.
For a while I was far away from Mother, but I have never forgotten Mother’s grace.
Mother, who holds my hands whenever I am sick spiritually or physically.
I thank Mother for not letting me forget Her, and for Her giving me strength to rise up again.
Help me to rise up my knees and start afresh with my first heart.
I believe that Mother, You are the One who can melt away harden heart, and the one who can guide me to again to feel the kind love of Zion.

Thank you Mother.