Tuesday, November 6, 2012

The Church of God, in which Jesus and Apostles had attended - WMSCOG

There are so many churches and doctrines in the world.  How can we distinguish the true church from false church?
The answer is in the Bible.
Jesus said that those who practice lawlessness will not enter the kingdom of heaven.

Mt  7 : 21  "I never knew you.  Away frome me, you evildoers (you who practice lawlessness, NASB)!"
The false churches are not to follow God's law, but practice lawlessness such as Sunday, Christmas, and so on.

God wants us to return to the days when the seeds of  lawlessness were not sown and to hold fast to the faith and truch of the Early Church.

The truth of the Early Church was perfect.  What truths were kept in those days?
Lk  4 : 16  Jesus kept the Sabbath.
Ac 17 :  2  Apostle Paul also kept the Sabbath.
Mt 26 : 26  Jesus and HIs disciples celebrated the Passover.
1 Co 11 : 1 Women put on a veil during worship.
Ac 2 :  1    The disciples kpet Pentecost.
Jn  7 : 2, 37 Jesus kept the Feast of Tabernacles.

Then, in these days,  which church following  the above  truth of the apostolic age?.
That is the only one "World Mission Society Church of God" which was established by the second coming Christ AhnSahngHong.
Christ AhnSahngHong have come to restore the vanished law of God and let us distinguish the trurh from the false.
Are you still confusing which is the true church?
The answer is the World Mission Society Chruch of God.




  1. I agree with this article... these days.. churches are keeping the rules taught by men.. however, World Mission Society Church of God keep God's commandments. I want to be blessed there.

  2. World mission society church of God is the original church. Jesus establisted the church of God and Christ Ahnsahnghong rebuilt the church of God.
