Tuesday, December 25, 2012

God doesn't like the Cross - World Mission Society Church of God

If someone's parent were killed by the firearm accident, maybe their child don't like the gun.
Because, whenever the child look the gun, he can't help thinking that terrible accident.
He might be difficult to see the gun again.

2,000 years ago,  Jesus Christ had been crucified on the cross, for our sin.  This is the grim scene not to be remembered.
 In fact, the cross was just a wooden framwork to put to death in those days
Therefore,  there was no possibility that the cross would be used  as the symbol of church like these days.
The apostles of the early church don't want to make the symbol of church and there was no cross in the church for centuries after the time of Jesus.
Let's refer to a theological dictionary on this.
 "The public use of the corss was adopted by the Christians as a symbol at the time of Constantine.  For the early Christians, surrounded by crucifixion as a grim fact of common experience, there was no danger of beautifying the cross by sentiment." (Baker's Dictionary of Theology, p.152)

Imagine that your parent died on the cross.  Do you want to remember your parent while looking the cross daily??
NO!! Nobody do that!!

The cross is an idol which was introduced into the church as the church became secularized after Constantine, the Roman emperor, authorized Christianity in 313 A.D.
The cross has no power: like other idols, it is a man-make idol.
Jer 10:2-5  This is what the LORD says: "Do not learn the ways of the nations or be terrified by signs in the sky, though the nations are terrified by them.  For the customs of the peoples are worthless; they cut a tree out of the forest, and a craftsman shapes it with his chisel.  They adorn it with silver and gold; they fasten it with hammer and nails so it will not totter. Like a scarecrow in a melon patch, their idols cannot speak; they must be carried because they cannot walk.  Do not fear them; they can do not harm nor can they do any good."

You can't find any cross in the World Mission Society Church of God. Cross-Reverence is Idolatry.
World Mission Society Church of God which was established by Christ Ahnsahnghong don't worship idols which was forbidden by God.

Friday, December 21, 2012

Two-eyed people who live in the town that one-eyed people living WMSCOG

Two-eyed man is normal, but guess if  that man live in the town that one-eyed people living.
Maybe,  two-eyed man will be treated as a odd man.
Which man is normal?  two-eyed man or one-eyed?

 World Mission Society Church of God follow the teaching of Bible and will of Jesus Christ as the apostles in 2,000 years ago.  but, Some people say about World Mission Society Church of God is not normal.
Is it worng to do the teaching of Bible?
Is it abnormal?

Many churches in the world keep the Sunday Service and Christmas, even there are no evidences of them in the Bible.
There are many evidences of the Sabbath day and the Passover rather then the Sunday worship and Christmas in the Bible.
The world mission Society Church of God is very normal as the two-eyed man.

All these abolished truths were recovered by the Second Coming Christ Ahnsahnghong, and he established the Church of God which had been established by Jesus Christ in 2,000 years ago.

God said,  The Church of God will not fail, for the World Mission Society Church of God is from God.

Ac 5 : 38 Therefore, in the present case I advise you : Leave these men alone! Let them go! For if their purpose or activity is of human origin, it will fail.  But if it is from God, you will not be able to stop these men; you will only find yourselves fighting against God."

Think yourself whether you have an one-eyed or two-eyed...
If you have any strange thought about World Mission Society Church of God .... ClICK here.

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

People who make miracle with the love of Heavenly Mother and Christ Ahnsahnghong

Have you ever seen these angels who make people -who are in despair- smile again?
The members of World Mission Society Church of God put into practice the love of God the Mother and Christ Ahnsahnghong.
WMSCOG made  miracle and impressed the world!


Heavenly Mother's Love for the Sinner - WMSCOG

We often forget the love and sacrifice of Mother,  but Mother never forget her child even one moment.
We are sinner who had committed a heavy trangression in heaven.
However, we have been lived in this earth as like a righteous man.
Today, Our heavenly Mother  still walking painful way for the sinner.

Love for the Sinner

Growing as the only daughter, I only knew how to receive love. Giving love was too unfamiliar to me, which I treated it as if it had nothing to do with me. I didn't even know how to consider the love of my physical parents, which made me difficult to realize Heavenly Mothers love; and that realization took for quite a while. 

 Though in Zion, I saw many films containing Heavenly Mothers sacrifice, I did not understand why She had to choose such a difficult path of sufferings. After I have watched for several times, I just reacted calmly and thought, Yeah, like in the film,Heavenly Mother indeed suffered a lot. Without realizing that deep love, I just continued giving pain and scars to Heavenly Mother every day. 
Throughout extremely hot weather few days ago, I guess from something that I had ate made me have a stomach ache, and it was burning that I couldnt bear. I thought I would get better since I took medicine and went to the hospital and had an IV, however I started to have chills, wouldn't move my head because of the headache, which eventually gave me so much pain that I couldnt even take a step forward. It was my first time being sick like this. 
As if I might be ready to collapse, enduring the pain, I finally reached home and collapsed on my bed. Though the weather was hot,having chills, I had to pull over the blanket on me. It was really hot and cold. It was painful which I cant describe that feeling with words. Then, I started to have high fever, my whole body became hot like a great ball of flame which didn't let me have any energy to even moan, and I couldnt open my eyes because it hurt so much.
As I gradually fell into a coma, I started to think of Heavenly Mother. She clearly came up in my head just like I have watched on the film. Our Heavenly Mother, who couldn’t even buy medicine because She had no money despite of the high fever and being ill, and She had to endure all the pains throughout the long night in a cold room. Our Heavenly Mother, who had to suffer all alone in a cold room, where even the water jug was all frozen.

.I even thought of Heavenly Mother who massaged elaborately of one patient sitting on Her knees. Oh Heavenly Mother! At that moment I realized that Her cartilage was all worn out. Tears welled up my eyes and it fell down my cheeks. It fell continually, like beads falling of its string

‘Oh Mother! How did You endure the pain hanging between life and death, all alone… What kind of sinner am I! Why did You have to endure that long painful night without medicine for this maggot life; to save me, the sinner? Mother! Why did You have to endure that pain for this invaluable worthless sinner? Mother I am so sorry. I am so sorry, Mother!
My soul hurt more than my body. It was irresistible to stop my tears, feeling the Mothers pain that She had to suffer for me. Oh, what kind of sinner am I... For a long time I was heartless, disregarding and ignoring Heavenly Mother’s love… My sinful past came up in my mind like a film and pierced my soul. I couldnt say anything but I was sorry... I hated myself so much and I endlessly missed Heavenly Mother. I was sorry and endlessly missing Her... I wanted to come near to Her but I had the mind that I couldnt possibly get near to the noble Heavenly Mother... At that time, I felt as if She was stroking my head with a benevolent smile. I think through all the pains and regrets I fell asleep. 
When I woke up, my whole body and head was stiff with pain, and my blanket was all wet. I thought of Heavenly Mother who smiled and stroke my head. Oh Heavenly Mother! For me, these several hours are so painful as if I am going to die, how did You endure many long painful nights? Because of me, I made You to go through all the sufferings! I was so sorry that I wept and wept...

Thinking that this sinful child might not be saved without realizing Mothers love, I believe with Her great grace, She made me realize a ten-thousandth of Mothers love. Now, I will not just stay crying. I will change my sorrows into actions and live a life of repentance.

Heavenly Mother, please let me scrub off dirt of as a prodigal sinner and wash my filthy soul with Your water of life! Heavenly Mother, allow me to give this whole body and mind to You! Mother, allow me to give a gift of repentance to You! Heavenly Mother, allow me to love You so that all Your pains cannot become in vain! Allow me to proclaim Heavenly Mothers great sacrifice to the whole world! My Mother, I truly deeply give thanks to You.

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Misunderstanding of people, where is the truth? - World Mission Society Church of God

Following commonsence to be accepted by many people, we have lived.
However, there are many misunderstandings, for man is not perfect being. 
It comes near Christmas which all people expect and wait that day eagerly. Christmas was known as the Jesus's birthday not only to Christian, but also an unbeliever.
I'd like to ask them, "Are you sure your thinking that Christmas is the birthday of Jesus? "
Now, consider your thought whether yours is truth or misunderstanding.


World Mission Society Church of God which follow biblical teachings of God. Christ Ahnshnghong taught all these truth.
Is there any church not to add or extract God's commandments in the world, except World Mission Society Church of God?
Christmas is just man's festival to celebrate the Sun god and it is not related with God.
Don't be deceived by your misunderstanding!!

Monday, December 3, 2012

Mother - WMSCOG

Sometime I took as matter of course that Mather take care of us and work for family.
But, now, I  feel Mother also didn't want to wake up earily and rather she might want to take a rest. 
She has been living to think her child and worry about family for her whole life.
The most beautiful word in the whole universe is "Mother".
How can I express this word with any of it !!

Mother’s Back
The lumbar vertebra 4 and 5 has been protruded. You have that pain on your back because this protruded bone is pressing against your nerves.”  
My mother, who had pain on her back for several years, was diagnosed as herniated lumbar disc at the orthopedics. 
The doctor thoroughly explained, showing the result of her X-ray.
Seeing the X-ray of her back hanging against the light, it looked like bones of the dinosaur that I've once seen in a museum.
The bones were remarkably crooked, starting from her neck bones.
I stared at her back bone. It was all full with tension like an arrow before it got released to nowhere.
The world was there for me to run farther, just like my mother’s crooked back.
Hanging against the light, the X-ray of my mother’s back was telling me that, without words.
Source:: ‘Letter of Oxygen’  YKY

I can't help but thank to Heavenly Mother who hold this sinner in her arms without words.
The world in darkness needs the love of Heavenly Mother.